Laplanda Silicon Valley Home Solution

Definition of BALTA Silicon Valley Affordable Home Project

The problem of housing in Silicon Valley exists and it is definitely artificial, much has been said and written about this, and the reasons are known and it is also known why these reasons are not eliminated.

Financial, social, economic, political, and even religious reasons are intertwined in the creation of the legislative field that does not contribute to solving the housing problem, but on the contrary, prevents it.

Only a radical revision of land use policy with the consent of corporations and society can change the situation.

However, this seems impossible, since it will radically change the structure of the work of banks, corporations, bureaucracy, reduce the market value of real estate at times, which will entail a decrease in the tax base due to a decrease in the cadastral value, a decrease in state budget income, bankruptcy of individuals and entire industries, and many more other factors that will lead, paradoxically as it may sound, to a decrease in the standard of living of the population as a whole.

However, the current situation does not give prospects for the future. Every year it becomes more and more difficult to imagine yourself as a home owner.

For a full-fledged society, the value of the family is undeniable, and is dominant. Building a family requires a foundation based on stability and planning. One aspect of stability is housing. The dominant form of housing in Silicon Valley in recent years has been rentals. Renting a home cannot be a stable and predictable factor for starting a family. Thus, the basic foundation for building a full-fledged society is eliminated. Consequently, the essence of everyday life and the morality of society is changing towards individualism and disunity, which in turn entails the degradation of relations, the loss of social ties and, in general, a violation of the nature of being laid down in the basis of human civilization. The loss of basic values leads to the loss of guidelines for the individual, the emergence of false values, the desire of the individual to find an alternative in momentary achievements that do not lead to a holistic perception of oneself, which leads to multi-vector throwing of consciousness, uncertainty of goals, the search for easy ways to obtain satisfaction, which generally leads to the decomposition of public consciousness and the degradation of society as a whole.

It is the combination of these factors that entails the rapid stratification of society, the reduction of the middle class and the emergence of an increasing number of marginals who cannot integrate into a respectable society and become thrown out into the street. Hence the growing number is homeless and needy.

What is the solution to the problem?

At first glance, the problem has no solution. After all, when changing the structure of land use, when changing legislation aimed at facilitating the receipt of land for use, while reducing the bureaucratic burden, reducing insurance risks, accepting land as a full-fledged pledge, the real estate market will be destroyed, which will entail mass impoverishment, loss of income for the budget of self-governments, respectively, the loss of the mass of budget jobs. Can the bureaucracy allow this? Can corporations support a decline in their profitability? Can real estate owners put up with a decrease in the market value of their property? Will they agree to repay loans for this property, if the value of this property will be many times lower than this very loan? Obviously not.

What about the initiative from our representatives in power? What solution is proposed by the people who are elected by the taxpayers to the legislature? This is what is delegated to them as the main task. And can something be proposed and done by these people? The answer is obvious. No. The combination of factors described above does not give them such an opportunity. Whoever people elect and whomever they delegate their powers to.

The only way to change the situation is an initiative from people indeed.

It is possible to choose a fair form of using public property, bypassing these obstacles, which objectively prevent building a fair social society for the benefit of taxpayers and people in need.

This will not affect the interests of the bureaucracy, banks, insurance companies, corporations and property owners.

At the same time, new jobs will appear, trade turnover will increase, the income of the banking and insurance sectors, the service sector and, accordingly, revenues to the budgets of local governments will increase.

Each member of society, depending on their capabilities, can take part in the alignment of the social order. This can be a profitable redistribution of material resources between the middle class and people in need, bypassing the state, big business and the political situation.

The role of the state in this will be to provide land plots to those who wish to share with those in need and redistribute the funds received.

Provided that the state land for local governments is a liability, it can be turned into an asset on the terms of transfer of ownership to a private owner in exchange for investment on his part in social projects of local governments.

The BALTA program provides such a plan. BALTA Silicon Valley Affordable Home Business Plan solves housing and social problems at the same time.

Become a member of the BALTA program for your future and the future of your children.

If you wish to participate in BALTA Silicon Valley Affordable Home Project and to be incorporated into our business plan, please fill out and mail this Form to us or submit your questions below: