Laplanda Silicon Valley Home Solution

Frequently Asked Questions
BALTA Silicon Valley Affordable Home Project

Q: What is BALTA Silicon Valley Affordable Home Project?

A: Our Project is created as an initiative of Silicon Valley Engineer families to provide opportunity for all Bay Area Residents to have their own affordable home in Silicon Valley. This will also create a long-term investment in the future generations and opportunity to build your legacy. That’s why we call ourselves Bay Area Legacy Trust Association (“BALTA”). If you wish to participate in BALTA Silicon Valley Affordable Home Project and to be incorporated into our business plan, please fill out and mail this Form to us.

Q: How much does it cost to participate in BALTA Home Project?

A: There is no cost to sign up. In fact, the Participants of the BALTA Silicon Valley Affordable Home Project will be granted one Common Share $100 value to the first 100 Participants (one per household) for FREE when they sign up. Market value of the Common Share may increase up to predictable $10,000 worth. All you need to do is to fill out the Form and mail it to us.

Q: Where will be the location?

A: BALTA Silicon Valley Affordable Home Project is designed to be presented for Bay Area cities consideration and the location of the property will be offered to the Participants upon approved for each location individually. The Participants can suggest the location they prefer and it will be considered in the Project. All you need to do is to fill out the Form and mail it to us.

Q: What BALTA has to do with LAPLANDA website and MES_SQL_Connect Software ?

A: LAPLANDA is an umbrella of tech ideas and startups. LAPLANDA MES_SQL_Connect Software is the flagship product of the company. Our Manufacturing Execution Software is needed to operate BALTA database. All lines of tasks, documentation, inventory, budget of BALTA Silicon Valley Affordable Home Project will be handled by LAPLANDA Business Management Software.

If you wish to participate in BALTA Silicon Valley Affordable Home Project and to be incorporated into our business plan, please fill out and mail this Form to us or submit your questions below: