Laplanda Smart Home Controller

Laplanda Smart home AI device aren’t just convenient — it’s can also make your home a safer place. And thanks to the proliferating internet of things (IoT), good security practices are becoming less of a chore.

It’s a little like the iPhone’s touch ID fingerprint reader, or now face ID — it’s more secure than a four-digit pin, and it’s so much easier to use. That convenience is what gets people using the technology, but the added security is the real benefit.

While you can control the Laplanda with your voice, doing all sorts of nifty things like playing music and ordering pizza, the real magic of Laplanda is its ability to plug into a smart home network so you control your other connected devices from one central hub.

You can connect Laplanda to individual smart home devices, or you can go for an all-in-one solution. This technology offers a comprehensive solution for home automation and security devices.

Connected smoke detectors do away with a lot of the annoyances of traditional smoke alarms. You can control who has access to your home by using Laplanda smartphone app, and you can lock or unlock doors remotely from your phone. Smart cameras are one of the most useful Laplanda a security standpoint. These cameras can not only act as deterrents and keep you informed or to determine when something out of the ordinary is going on and send you an alert., they can record, which is important if the police need to identify someone from a recording.
