Laplanda_MES_SQL_Connect is a Manufacturing Execution System (MES) with SQL (Structured Query Language) Database Connectivity Software Free for use and Distribution Program for small businesses and individual enterprises.

Driver’s experience DE Laplanda application is an app which can be downloaded for your smartphone. Nowadays, traffic conditions are caused by various difficulties that could result in loss of money and traffic safety. For example, a recent law in California allows the use of radar to detect speeding. An automatic fine of $100 for exceeding 10 mph, $200 for exceeding 15 mph and $500 for exceeding 20 mph. On some roads, potholes or some obstacles, repair work and other circumstances may unexpectedly appear, which if you know in advance, you can avoid trouble. This app allows to install markers in the area where driver usually drives. These markers will be signaling and report to drivers about possible obstacles on their way. For example, 200 yards before pothole, driver will receive a signal of 2 beeps, 300 yards before radar, driver will receive a signal of 3 beeps, etc. Experienced drivers who uploaded their experience will be getting appreciation in form of payment from everyone who will be downloading and using their experience. The most popular driver routes and patterns will have 5 star rating. A list of driver experience patterns will be available for choice and download for using in the area of the driver.

Drone Dazzler is intent to be the finder and blinder of the drones up to 10 drones simultaneously.
The working distance 100m, visibility 165 deg
The power supply 25V 10A/H


LAPLANDA Smart Home Controller

Laplanda Smart home AI device aren’t just convenient — it can also make your home a safer place. And thanks to the proliferating internet of things (IoT), good security practices are becoming less of a chore.


RONIN Thread Analytic Platform

RONIN SIFT Configuration Panel with auto ports and camera SIFTs Electromagnetic field sensors generate the harmonic signal for ADC and transfer over RS-485 via USB RIC converter for Gaussian transformation to the threshold level. Thread detection and assessment in real time.


Dana’s Remote

We’re in the second decade of the 21st century. You don’t need to buy a bunch of expensive equipment to spy or monitor an area anymore — though, some of the best home security cameras are more affordable than you might think. These days, all you need is a smartphone and any of home computer. Here’s how to do it.
